The Ripper Effect: Issue No. 1 Letters Page
You can listen to A ROBOT’S LAST POEM, as read by the author:
Finally, this last letter just didn’t fit on the page, but deserves its own highlight:
Dr. Dr. Dawn Devereux
In what is she learned, we don’t know
Maybe she’s got a PhD Chem E
Or perhaps a Robotics Interaction specialty?
As the MOF destabilizes in her hands,
let’s hope her PPE withstands
that is, if she uses it without reserve
and sets a standard from which none may swerve
You can’t crash a robot by speaking paradox
Nor beat it by fists CHOOM SPAK KA-CHOCKS!
And maybe robots do not enjoy poetry
But hopefully that’s Dawn Devereux’s other PhD.
— Dawn Devereux Poetry Fan Club